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Stamford College, in collaboration with University Centre Peterborough, offers comprehensive counselling courses from Level 2 to 6, providing all necessary training for individuals to become fully licensed counsellors.

Nationally recognised qualification

This qual­i­fi­ca­tion is designed to pro­vide you with the under­pin­ning knowl­edge, skills and com­pe­ten­cies to use coun­selling skills eth­i­cal­ly and safe­ly in a vari­ety of con­texts and roles. Successful completion of these courses will allow you to progress to higher level studies at university or FE colleges.

Career-focused education

Suitable for anyone interested in pursuing a career in counselling including those in job roles such as Support Workers, Teachers, Managers and Team Leaders. Whilst the lower level courses do not qualify you to practice as a counsellor, they provide an ideal stepping stone with opportunities to develop a range of skills, techniques, qualities and attributes essential to progress any counselling career.

Counselling Informative Sessions and Interviews

Book your counselling informative session and interview below via Eventbrite. Each session has limited spaces.

Career-focused education

Suitable for anyone interested in pursuing a career in counselling including those in job roles such as Support Workers, Teachers, Managers and Team Leaders. Whilst the lower level courses do not qualify you to practice as a counsellor, they provide an ideal stepping stone with opportunities to develop a range of skills, techniques, qualities and attributes essential to progress any counselling career.

Levels 4 to 6

University Centre Peterborough delivers Level 4 to 6 counselling courses at Stamford College, providing a complete educational pathway for those aiming to become fully licensed counsellors.

This arrangement ensures access to high-quality training necessary for professional counselling certification.

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