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Student Voice and Enrichment

At Stamford College we take the views and opinions of our students very seriously. We see the benefit of allowing our learners to have an opportunity to shape the organisation in which they choose to study. Gathering feedback from our students is one of the most effective ways we can improve the College for all!

When you enrol at the Col­lege all of our stu­dents auto­mat­i­cal­ly become part of the Stu­dent Union. Every year an Exec­u­tive Com­mit­tee is elect­ed by the entire stu­dent body to act on behalf of, and with oth­er stu­dents in the Col­lege rep­re­sen­ta­tion forums; such as the Stu­dent Council.

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It is not all busi­ness though as the Stu­dent Union Exec­u­tive Com­mit­tee are also respon­si­ble for the fun stuff that goes on at Col­lege as well! Social events, trips and char­i­ty fundrais­ing all fall under the Stu­dent Union remit so if you decide to run in the elec­tions to become part of the Com­mit­tee or not, there’s nev­er a dull moment at Stam­ford Col­lege! The Stu­dent Union Com­mit­tee also man­age their own bud­get to spend on ben­e­fit­ting every­one who stud­ies at the College.

To find out more — Speak to the engage­ment team in Stu­dent Ser­vices, or check the stu­dent Hub reg­u­lar­ly for updates.

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