The extensive upgrade to our existing facilities, jointly funded by Greater Lincolnshire Local Enterprise Partnership (GLLEP) and Department for Education Post 16 Capital Funding, will provide state-of-the-art learning and teaching resources for students studying plumbing, carpentry, brickwork and electrical installation.
Proudly Sponsored by Allison Homes
We are delightÂed to announce our partÂnerÂship with AlliÂson Homes who have sponÂsored our new conÂstrucÂtion build as part of our on-going work to bring togethÂer learnÂers, eduÂcaÂtors and employÂers to estabÂlish long term partÂnerÂships that will inspire the next genÂerÂaÂtion into industry.
AlliÂson Homes will be immersed in the design and delivÂery of our curÂricuÂlums, furÂther alignÂing our stratÂeÂgy with employÂer needs by ensurÂing our learnÂers develÂop modÂern and secÂtor speÂcifÂic skills for proÂgresÂsion and securÂing employment.
Modern Methods Of Construction
Design of the buildÂing has reflectÂed its responÂsiÂbilÂiÂty to teach and proÂvide learnÂing opporÂtuÂniÂties that reflect the rapid evoÂluÂtion of the conÂstrucÂtion indusÂtry through automaÂtion, carÂbon reducÂtion and the increased use of preÂfabÂriÂcaÂtion, ensurÂing our stuÂdents are studyÂing amongst the very latÂest conÂstrucÂtion methodÂoloÂgies and techÂnoloÂgies so they can excel in their choÂsen careers.
The façade is designed as a row of 5 difÂferÂent styles of terÂraced house, each with mulÂtiÂple types of brickÂwork, archÂways and winÂdow instalÂlaÂtions. Parts of the inteÂriÂor have been left exposed with glass panÂels installed for stuÂdents to see the mulÂtiÂple layÂers of conÂstrucÂtion withÂin the walls.
Our Green Commitment
56 solar elecÂtricÂiÂty panÂels, also known as phoÂtoÂvoltaics (PV), have been installed on the roof to capÂture the sun’s enerÂgy and conÂvert it into elecÂtricÂiÂty and genÂerÂatÂing renewÂable elecÂtricÂiÂty for the ColÂlege with surÂplus enerÂgy going back into the grid. StuÂdents can see these workÂing in real time via a 60″ TV screen in the lobÂby detailÂing the elecÂtricÂiÂty being genÂerÂatÂed and used.
AttenÂuÂaÂtion tanks designed to colÂlect and store excess surÂface water before slowÂly releasÂing it at a conÂtrolled rate into the local water course, minÂimisÂes the risk of localised floodÂing, and Air-source Heat Pumps take the warmth from the air outÂside and use it to heat the building.
Even the bricks, ​‘eco-bricks’ have been sourced from enviÂronÂmenÂtalÂly friendÂly manÂuÂfacÂturÂers to ensure the carÂbon footÂprint of the buildÂing is minÂimised, makÂing our MMC our most green project to date.
Courses Available
Discover the variety of Construction courses we have to offer