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Modern Methods of Construction Centre (MMC)

The extensive upgrade to our existing facilities, jointly funded by Greater Lincolnshire Local Enterprise Partnership (GLLEP) and Department for Education Post 16 Capital Funding, will provide state-of-the-art learning and teaching resources for students studying plumbing, carpentry, brickwork and electrical installation.

The newly named Modern Methods of Construction Centre (MMC) is in addition to our £3.5 million Construction and Automotive Skills Centre completed in 2016. The substantial growth in recent student applications (around 15% more each year) is in response to the increased demand for skilled workers in trade-based industries within our local area (it is calculated that there is a 49,000 skills shortage in the eastern region).

Proudly Sponsored by Allison Homes

We are delight­ed to announce our part­ner­ship with Alli­son Homes who have spon­sored our new con­struc­tion build as part of our on-going work to bring togeth­er learn­ers, edu­ca­tors and employ­ers to estab­lish long term part­ner­ships that will inspire the next gen­er­a­tion into industry.

Alli­son Homes will be immersed in the design and deliv­ery of our cur­ricu­lums, fur­ther align­ing our strat­e­gy with employ­er needs by ensur­ing our learn­ers devel­op mod­ern and sec­tor spe­cif­ic skills for pro­gres­sion and secur­ing employment.

Retrofit – Build the future, restore the past.

Retro-fit is the insulation of old and existing houses. With UK, Welsh and Scottish Governments committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2050, it means almost 27 million homes + 2 million other buildings require retrofitting, and the recruitment of an extra 567,000 qualified workers are needed by 2028 to complete the work.

We are committed to ensuring our facilities, training and qualifications prepare students for these industry demands.

Modern Methods Of Construction

Design of the build­ing has reflect­ed its respon­si­bil­i­ty to teach and pro­vide learn­ing oppor­tu­ni­ties that reflect the rapid evo­lu­tion of the con­struc­tion indus­try through automa­tion, car­bon reduc­tion and the increased use of pre­fab­ri­ca­tion, ensur­ing our stu­dents are study­ing amongst the very lat­est con­struc­tion method­olo­gies and tech­nolo­gies so they can excel in their cho­sen careers.

The façade is designed as a row of 5 dif­fer­ent styles of ter­raced house, each with mul­ti­ple types of brick­work, arch­ways and win­dow instal­la­tions. Parts of the inte­ri­or have been left exposed with glass pan­els installed for stu­dents to see the mul­ti­ple lay­ers of con­struc­tion with­in the walls.

Our Green Commitment

56 solar elec­tric­i­ty pan­els, also known as pho­to­voltaics (PV), have been installed on the roof to cap­ture the sun’s ener­gy and con­vert it into elec­tric­i­ty and gen­er­at­ing renew­able elec­tric­i­ty for the Col­lege with sur­plus ener­gy going back into the grid. Stu­dents can see these work­ing in real time via a 60″ TV screen in the lob­by detail­ing the elec­tric­i­ty being gen­er­at­ed and used.

Atten­u­a­tion tanks designed to col­lect and store excess sur­face water before slow­ly releas­ing it at a con­trolled rate into the local water course, min­imis­es the risk of localised flood­ing, and Air-source Heat Pumps take the warmth from the air out­side and use it to heat the building.

Even the bricks, ​‘eco-bricks’ have been sourced from envi­ron­men­tal­ly friend­ly man­u­fac­tur­ers to ensure the car­bon foot­print of the build­ing is min­imised, mak­ing our MMC our most green project to date.

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