16 – 19 ChildÂcare Costs
If you are aged 16 to 19 at the start of your course you can apply to Care to Learn for help with your childÂcare costs. StuÂdents apply direct using the folÂlowÂing webÂsite www​.gov​.uk/​c​a​r​e​-​t​o​-​learn.
20+ ChildÂcare
If you are aged 20 or over and are planÂning to use an OFSTÂED regÂisÂtered ChildÂcare provider (NursÂery, Child MinÂder, Pre/​After School club) whilst you are at colÂlege and if your houseÂhold income is £45,000 or below you would qualÂiÂfy for help towards your childÂcare costs. ChildÂcare is not paid durÂing colÂlege holÂiÂday periÂods; this is only paid durÂing term-time and durÂing the hours the stuÂdent is at colÂlege. If you are in receipt of any earÂly years fundÂing, these hours must be used before any conÂtriÂbuÂtions for childÂcare are made by the college.