If you will be self-funding your tuition fees there are some key terms and conditions which you need to know and are detailed in our fees policy.
Frequently Asked Questions
For courses over £350, we can offer instalments using Flex Pay, you will normally have to pay 1⁄3 of your total fees prior to the commencement of your course. Flex Pay will then contact you to agree on a payment plan. You will be required to sign a Flexpay agreement, however, the payment plan will be managed by FlexPay directly whose details can be found here: https://flexpay.uk.com/
Should you have concerns with meeting your Flex Pay agreed payment schedule, please contact them directly at first to discuss.
If, after the call-off period as per the fee policy, at any time you withdraw from your course, you will still be liable for payment in full for the complete course. If you withdraw during the call-off period, you will incur a small admin charge as detailed in the fee policy to cover administration costs.
If you have selected to pay by Flex Pay, any outstanding balance will immediately become due. Only in exceptional circumstances will the College consider a refund, in line with its Refund Policy. A form for Refund Applications is available on request.
If you withdraw in the first term of your course, you can apply to transfer any fees paid or payable to another course offered by the College in the same academic year. Alternatively, vouchers can be issued to be used on any Stamford College course in the following academic year. The value will be pro rata to the number of full terms remaining on the course at point of withdrawal.