If you are considering withdrawing from your course, the first point of contact is to talk to your tutor. Whilst they won’t be able to advise you on your finances, there may be a solution to any issues you are facing. Should you wish to progress with your withdrawal, your tutor will arrange this for you but there are financial implications you may need to consider.
Frequently Asked Questions
DependÂing on the date of your withÂdrawÂal, StuÂdent Finance EngÂland may not pay your full tuition fee liaÂbilÂiÂty, so a porÂtion of your fee may be invoiced directÂly to you by the ColÂlege. It’s imporÂtant to rememÂber that any monies paid over to the colÂlege by StuÂdent Finance EngÂland will still form part of your loan to be repaid in future years.
You will have no fee liaÂbilÂiÂty and can canÂcel any stuÂdent loans you have applied for.
Your fee liaÂbilÂiÂty will depend on when you withÂdraw. You will have a two-week coolÂing-off periÂod from the date that your course starts until you become liable for the annuÂal course fee. The folÂlowÂing will apply accordÂing to the fundÂing method choÂsen after this period:
- Flexpay Instalments
The balance of the loan will become payable in full. - Adult Learner Loan
The balance of the annual fee, less any monies received by the college from Student Finance England will be due. - Employer Funded
Fees will be due whether paid by the employer, or not, at the time of withdrawal. The liability lies with the student. - Self Funded
Fees should be paid prior to enrolment so no refund will be given
If you withdraw within the cooling off period, a small admin charge to be made according to the fees policy.